passage by Nicholas Maloney

Genre: Ambient

Rating: 5/5 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

released on bandcamp June 20, 2022

This one really surprised me. It’s ambient music in the purest sense in that it cooperates fully with your actual surroundings. So subtle as to be almost unnoticeable for the first few minutes then the birds came and I was so sold. There’s not a sound or effect that’s not used in a unique or surprising way. Subtle shifts become quite startling. While in fact, it is a field recording and the soundscape of a place I still maintain that this is ambient music because it’s so engrossing and provides so much ambience. Yet in a way that feels as if it’s growing out of your environment. Thirty CDs only if you want a hard copy. Thirty. A certain album of the year and … thirty. The things we find when he make the effort.

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